Saturday, May 26, 2012

Designing Out-Of-Town

Slept away last nite, below, planning a garden.
 Sweet chaos on the mantel, below,
in the bedroom.
Can't tell you where I was.
Garden & Be Well,   XO Tara
Pics taken this morning.  In a public career there is always a percentage to remain, private. 


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


Well, I won't ask where you were in this whole scenario, but the room is gorgeous!!!

Thanks for coming to visit! Well, Gregory Peck is most definitely a handsome chap and in this movie, both of them work so well together.

You asked me what I CALL WHAT I DO on my blog.....

I LIVE OUT FANTASY: I want to be a writer. Voilà!!!! I have fun too.


Brenda Pruitt said...

Wish I could afford you. I can only imagine what magic you'd create in my yard.

sjr said...

I am guessing Suzanne"s??? Tara, I always see brick steps covered in some type of ivy??? is that what it is and how does one cultivate it. Happy Memorial Day. Sarah

sjr said...

Tara, I will guess you spent the night at Suzanne's. I see brick steps covered in ivy? is that what it is and if so what type and how does one cultivate it? Thanks and Happy Memorial Day.

Bruce Barone said...

you ought to come here for a visit

Tara Dillard said...

Ivy on bricks is easy. Use small leafed ivy, they grow more slowly.

Perhaps you have seen creeping fig on brick? they are great on step risers.

Both are self clinging. XO T

Tara Dillard said...


I won't kiss & tell!


sjr said...

Cozy Little House, you would be surprised that you CAN afford Tara. I am a single mom who is usually living pay check to pay check and she created a plan for me that I am SLOWLY implementing, its not the same as having someone come in and do it all at once but its more rewarding. Tara rocks!

Ok I promise to understand my comment is published and not write twice;) Happy Memorial Day!!

Jojo said...

Wherever you are looks like a lovely getaway. Such a lovely way to combine work and pleasure.